
6. Outputs

Outputs are a way to print data to the shell after a Terraform run, or to pass data between modules. They are often used to show values to the user which would otherwise be hidden as part of troubleshooting.


In its simplest form, and output looks like this

output "property_id" {
    value = akamai_property.my_property.id

Here, the value is inferred from a resource (which is the norm), but if you wish the value could simply be a string, or a combination of both.

Outputs can also contain the keywords description and sensitive. A description is purely to help the reader understand the purpose of the output, by sensitive can be used to suppress values from the output of terraform plan and terraform apply.

output "property_id" {
    value = akamai_property.my_property.id
    description = "The ID of my property"
    sensitive = true


New File

Create a terraform file called outputs.tf


Create outputs with the IDs for all 3 data sources created in the Exercises section in module 4. Data Sources


Run terraform plan. What's different in Terraforms output in the terminal?


Commit your changes and push them to GitHub.