
The depends_on Meta-Argument

Use the depends_on meta-argument to handle hidden resource or module dependencies that Terraform cannot automatically infer. You only need to explicitly specify a dependency when a resource or module relies on another resource's behavior but does not access any of that resource's data in its arguments.


A good example of this is in an Application Security configuration exported with the cli-terraform (opens in a new tab).

The security module (we'll soon talk about modules) acts as a container for all security-related configurations. When you activate a security configuration, you want to ensure ALL security controls are properly configured first. In other words nothing in activate-security will proceed until the entire security module is complete

module "security" {
    source      = "./modules/security"
    hostnames   = var.hostnames
    name        = var.name
    description = var.description
    contract_id = var.contract_id
    group_name  = var.group_name
module "activate-security" {
    source              = "./modules/activate-security"
    name                = var.name
    config_id           = module.security.config_id
    network             = var.network
    notification_emails = var.emails
    note                = var.activation_note
    depends_on          = [ 



Add 2 akamai_property_activation resources to your property.tf. One for the staging network and the other one for the production network.


Hint: You can use the local.notes defined in the Exercises section in module 7. Terraform Locals


Add a depends_on to the production activation resource so that the production activation doesn't start until the staging activation has completed.


Run terraform plan to confirm your changes. Run terraform apply if all looks in order.


Commit your change and push it to GitHub.

Although this is not a real use case it shows how the order of the resources updates/creations can be somewhat controlled.