7a Ex Variables

New File

Create a variables.tf file which declares the variables edgerc_path and config_section, both of type string. Configure these with descriptions and default values.


Update your provider.tf file to use these variables in the provider "akamai" block.


Run terraform init and confirm the provider is installed correctly.


Run terraform plan, providing new values for the 2 variables using the -var syntax. You could run terraform apply too, but because we are not modifying any resources no changes will be applied anyway.

New File

Create a terraform.tfvars file and use it to set new values for both variables.


Re-run terraform plan using this file instead. You could run terraform apply too, but because we are not modifying any resources no changes will be applied anyway.


Commit your changes and push them to GitHub.


Hint: If you use terraform.tfvars you don't need to tell Terraform the variable file's name. If you use anything else (.tfvars) you must use -var-file